15 Décembre 2017
01) EARL HOOKER : apache war dance (7'' - 1961)
02) JAY-U EXPERIENCE : enough is enough (enough is enough - 1977)
03) MEUTE : think twice (tumult - 2017)
04) Mr LIF & BRASS MENAZERI : rebirth (resilient - 2017)
05) JUNKIE XL : x-panding limits (saturday teenage kick - 1997)
06) THE CRYSTAL METHOD : the name of the game (tweekend - 2001)
07) MARYAM SALEH, MAURICE LOUCA & TAMER ABU GHAZALEH : nefsif akli (lekhfa - 2017)
08) MARKUS & SHAHZAD SANTOO KHAN : tumba (welcome - 2017)
09) BILLY BOY ARNOLD : I wish you would (7'' - 1955)
10) WOLFWOLF : the blind butcher (the cryptid zoo - 2017)
11) TOM WAITS : hoist that rag (real gone remixed edition - 2017)
12) THE MODERN LOVERS : she cracked (the original modern lovers - 1981)
album du mois: "peplum" de API UIZ (extrait : "stade")