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Alternative Radio

Emission du jeudi 13 juin 2019


01) THE LIGHTMEN : Luke 23:32-49 (free as you wanna be - 1970)

02) THE SCORPIONS & SAIF ABU BAKR : farah qalbi jadidi (jazz jazz jazz - 1980)

03) THE INHERITANCE : maiska (kalimera - 2011)

04) PAD BRAPAD : when pad is mad (strikes again - 2019)

05) GRUP SES & ETHNIQUE PUNCH : hayda feat. Taner Yücel & Cem Kayiran (deli divan - 2019)

06) YOUR OLD DROOG : bubble hill (it wasn't even close - 2019)

07) WAH WAH WATSON : goo goo wah wah (elementary - 1976)

08) CHAMPAGNE : funky do (Saigon supersound vol.2 - 2018)

09) THE BEATS : bagdad daddy (7'' - 1959)

10) GINGER JOHNSON : mambo contempo (7'' - 195X)

11) HODJA : on and on (the flood - 2018)

12) E.T. EXPLORE ME : dig me baby (s/t - 2018)

13) MAMUTHONES : a place in the world (a place in the world - 2019)

14) LA JUNGLE : the invisible child (past//middle age//future - 2019)

album du mois : "kahmaran" de ISLAM CHIPSY & EEK (extrait : "el zantor")

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